Swim season is here and our revitalized pool and surrounding deck will look even better with our Cooper’s Pond neighbors and friends enjoying it!
Lifeguard Hours – (05/23 – 08/04) 12 PM – 8 PM – (8/05 -Labor Day) 4 PM – 8 PM M-F, Sat & Sun 12 PM – 8 PM
- Swim at your own risk.
- Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a resident at least 14 years of age. This rule is intended to deter parents of children under 14 from dropping their children off at the pool; the lifeguards are not babysitters. Respect the rule please.
- Limit of 4 guests PER FAMILY PER DAY. Please be respectful of this rule.
- No one should enter the pool area unless a lifeguard is on duty.
- No swimming is allowed in the lake.
- Misconduct, rowdiness, offensive language, horseplay, and running will not be tolerated. Violators will be requested to leave the pool area and may be suspended from the pool area, if necessary. Lifeguards are authorized to administer discipline as warranted.
- Non-swimmers and novice swimmers are not permitted to use the deep end of the pool unless accompanied by an accomplished swimmer.
- Only one person is allowed on the diving board at a time.
- No unauthorized athletic equipment or hard balls allowed in the pool. (This includes, but is not limited to:
basketballs, volleyballs, soccer balls, footballs, baseballs, frisbees) - No glass allowed in or around the concrete pool area.
- Pool Parties: If you’d like to host a party at the pool (birthday, graduation, etc.) there is a registration form to complete from Dynamo Pool Management: https://www.dynamopoolmanagement.com/lifeguard-services/request-party-guards. Please also contact one of the pool liaisons of your interest. The pool is NOT closed during parties and parties are subject to the availability of lifeguards. The cost is $40/hour with a minimum of two hours.
- Lifeguard hours are as follows:
May 23 until August 4: 12:00 PM – 8:00PM
August 5 – Labor Day FRI 4:00PM – 8:00PM; SAT 12:00PM – 8:00PM; and SUN 12:00PM – 8:00PM. - The pool must be cleared at 7:45 PM and you must exit the pool no later than 8pm or when the lifeguard leaves, whichever comes first. If you hold an extended swim FOB card, you may return to the pool after 8:00 PM with a resident adult 21 years or older.
- Once every hour (15 minutes before the hour) the pool will be cleared of all swimmers (younger than 18 years old) for a period of fifteen minutes. During this break, lifeguards are not on duty but are doing their secondary duties of checking the water chemicals, picking up trash and checking on the bathrooms. Children must be completely out of the water and may not sit on the side with legs dangling in the pool. NOTE: If you owe $400.00 or more in Homeowner’s Association fees, your FOB card will be disabled, and you will not be permitted to access the pool area until payment is received. Contact ImproveCoopersPond@gmail.com if you have any questions about any of the above rules.
NOTE: If you owe $400.00 or more in Homeowner’s Association fees, your FOB card will be disabled, and you will not be permitted to access the pool area until payment is received. Contact ImproveCoopersPond@gmail.com if you have any questions about any of the above rules.
Note: The pool will be closed on June 6 and June 27 at 4:00pm for the day for Aqua Ducks swim meets.
- The pool can be used by members and their guests only.
- The pool WILL NOT BE CLOSED for private parties.
- No parties are held during peak hours as determined by the pool liaison. This includes holidays and weekends. Weekend parties may be booked during the month of August only.
- Parties must not end later than 10:00 PM.
- To reserve a party time, contact the pool party liaison at improvecooperspond@gmail.com no later than 10 days prior and complete Dyanamo Pool Management’s form to request additional lifeguards.
- Additional lifeguards are required for a party. They can be hired through Dynamo Pool Management’s party link: https://www.dynamopoolmanagement.com/lifeguard-services/request-party-guards . There is a 2-hour minimum, and the cost is $40/hour for each additional guard required.
2024 Extended Swim Rules
Each resident Family, who cares to participate in a non-lifeguarded, extended-hour swim, must adhere to the following rules, or have their rights for extended swim revoked, at the discretion of the Cooper’s Pond Board:
A. Deposit Required – A fee of $50 will be required to get your FOB card activated for extended hours and receive a gold restroom key. You will be charged Twenty five Dollars ($25) if you need a replacement gold restroom key during the Season. The FOB card replacement cost is also twenty five Dollars ($25). All checks should be made out to Cooper’s Pond HOA.
B. Fob and Gate Rules – You may not lend your key to anyone outside your family. You are responsible for keeping the pool gates locked at all times. You may not open the gate for others to enter. Your rights will be taken away immediately upon violating any of these rules.
C. Age Requirement – You must be at least 21 years old to use the Pool during extended hours, without adult supervision. Anyone under the age of 21 must be accompanied by an after-hours pool key holder. The homeowner must be present at all times. You may not give your key to a non-resident family member to use.
D. Residence Requirement – You must be a resident family with extended swim privileges to use the Pool during extended hours. 4 guests are permitted per family.
E. Extended Swim Hours: 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM, with the following exceptions:
1. You may not swim when the Swim team is practicing
2. You must leave the Pool from 11:45 AM to 12:00 AM for morning Pool maintenance.
3. The Pool will be cleared out at 7:45 PM for nightly maintenance. You must leave the Pool at that time, and may re-enter the water 15 minutes later, with your key, for an extended swim.
A sign may be posted restricting Extended hours at certain times during the Pool Season. You may not swim during these posted hours!
F. Diving Board – Use of the diving board during extended hours swim is strictly PROHIBITED.
Please remember that this is a privilege extended to our Homeowners, and we ask that you have consideration for your fellow Homeowners in terms of noise and cleanliness.
There will be an ongoing review of rules and procedures, as we enjoy extended swim hours. The Cooper’s Pond Board and Pool Coordinator reserve the right to revoke individual rights or suspend Extended Hours Swimming completely, at any time.
Swim Note: The pool will be closed for Aquaducks swim meets. See the Duck Soup for more information.